Friday, September 17, 2010

Busy day...

 So yesterday I started sewing some things for the girls. and Today I took pictures with my beautiful model...

Leg warmers



Wonderful things when it is almost 80 out right? It was cold when I started???

Twirly Patchwork dress..

Ok, I actually made the dress a couple weeks ago, but Thought I would throw it in since she was wearing it, I used the tutorial Here At Indietutes, Which is a blog I really love...
And more twirling...

Which Resulted in...
Falling in a laundry basket and worriyng the dog...
Followed by...

Mom, Can you teach me to sew???


Stuffed sewing...

Finished Barbie pillow...
So She was very proud of herself, and then proceded to give her brand new, hand made, by herself, barbie pillow, to a complete stranger, a two year old we ran into at the corner gas station, where we went for drinks... I love my girls..  They humble me, I would never have given a brand new made by me something away half an hour after I made it at 8 years old... Isn't she great???

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